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Win a year's Membership subscription*

Simply send us a picture by 18th August 2024 on the subject NATURAL BEAUTY

Look around and catch something beautiful on camera.

It could be a special moment, place, landscape, person, animal or flower;

in colour or black & white.


How it works:


  1. Take up to a photo of something that is you see as 'Natural Beauty' - Your picture can be taken on a phone or camera, it doesn’t matter, just your vision.

  2. Submit as a jpeg by email to by 18th August 2024 including your name, address and  phone number (optional).

  3. The winner will be notified by 25th August 2024announced at our Welcome Evening on Tuesday 3rd September. (We would love to see you there at The Village Hall, Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges, SL2 4LP.)


​​*Terms and conditions: 

  • Must be over 18 and  able to attend Stoke Poges Photographic Club meetings

        (we meet on Tuesday at 8pm)

  • Club Members, current or past and family members cannot apply

  • There is no monetary alternative

  • The winner will be decided by the Stoke Poges Photographic Club's committee

  • The judges decision is final


Need some Inspiration?

SMOKE MODEL by Rojer Weightman.JPG

Top Speakers

We've had photographers such as Micki Aston speak and this year particularly we've had photographers from across the world giving some amazing talks.

THE SNAG by Annette Sissons.jpg


We've organised walks to various parks and places to take photos and learn. From filming at night to just enjoying a social gathering.

GOLDEN AGE by Rojer Weightman.jpg


From advice to practical workshops where you can experiment with different equipment we've run workshops on camera settings, lighting, colour, mounting and more.

MISTY MORNING By Dave Taylor.jpg


There's a breadth of knowledge from club members who have different cameras and enjoy taking different images. Just ask them.

NEXT IN LINE by Andy Smith.jpg


From set subjects to open competitions, get feedback on your photos. Entering the competitions is not compulsory but many members enjoy viewing each others work.

RUSH RUSH RUSH by Gail Pursall.jpg

Social Community

We have regular socials and have breaks during our weekly meeting so you can catch up and enjoy each others company.

Why Join our club?

Our Programme

New or existing member, here you'll find all you need from the programme schedule, how to submit an entry and submissions results.

Rooted in history

The Stoke Poges Photographic Club has been around for over 50 years, since it's inception in 1964 it's relied on the voluntary efforts of its members for its success and survival.

Joining the Club

To join simply fill in our application form and email it to along with payment.

If you have any questions just email us.


Images from club members

A range of images that have been entered into club competitions from intermediate and advanced members.

What our club members say

"I've been a member for nearly 2 years and everyone has made me feel so welcome. I use an android phone  and point and shoot camera. I've been really amazed at how much I've learnt. That feeling of getting top marks in a competition has been so exciting.

Bushra Sheikh

Cost of membership
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